BEaTmap: BET Analysis Tool#

What is BEaTmap?#

Obtaining surface area of a porous sample from the interpretation of gas adsorption isotherms is very widely done using the theory developed by Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller in the 1950s. The BET (or BEaT) theory is so commonly place that the acronym has is synonymous with surface area.

The BET theory was derived with several assumptions, and these must be met for the predicted surface area to be valid. Rouquerol et al have put forth criteria to evaluate whether isothermal adsoprtion data meets the assumptions of BET analysis. Applying these criteria to all relative pressure ranges of an isotherm allows one to eliminate relative pressure ranges that do not adhere to BET theory.

Visualizing the results of BET analysis as a heatmap where “invalid” relative pressure ranges are masked provides a quick and comprehensive representation of BET results for an isotherm. BEaTmap was developed as a conceptulization and vizualization tool for BET analysis utilizing the “Rouquerol criteria”.
