
BEaTmap depends heavily on the Scipy Stack. The best way to get a fully functioning environment is to install the Anaconda Python distribution. Be sure to get the Python 3.9+ version.

Once you’ve installed the Anaconda distribution (or the Python distribution of your choice), type and enter the following in a terminal (on Unix-based machines) or a command prompt (on Windows):

pip install beatmap

Note that on Unix-based machines, conda is usually automatically initialized in the terminal. On Windows, you should have a shortcut to the “Anaconda Prompt” in the start menu, which is basically a command prompt initialized with conda.

Once initialized, the terminal points to the base environment. While you can install BEaTmap in the base environment, it is recommended that you create a new environment to avoid accidentally breaking your base environment.

If you think you may be interested in contributing to BEaTmap and wish to both use and edit the source code, then you should clone the repository to your local machine, and install it using the following pip command:

pip install -e path/to/beatmap/root/folder

For information about contributing, refer to the contributors guide.