
beatmap.core.single_point_bet(df, a_o)#

Performs single point BET analysis on an isotherm data set for all relative pressure ranges. Can be used to check for agreement between BET and single point BET.


Contains all information required for BET analysis. Results of BET analysis are also stored in this named tuple. Relevant fields are:

  • bet_results.raw_data (DataFrame) : experimental isotherm data.

  • bet_results.a_o (flaot) : the cross sectional area of the adsorbate molecule, in square angstrom.


Contains the results of single point BET analysis. Relevant fields are:

  • singlept_results.ssa (ndarray) : 2D array of specific surface area values, in m^2/g, indicies correspond to first and last datapoint used in the analysis.

  • singlept_results.nm (ndarray) : 2D array of monolayer adsorbed amounts, in mol/g, indicies correspond to first and last datapoint used in the analysis.