
beatmap.core.run_beatmap(file=None, info=None, a_o=None, enforce_y_intercept_positive=True, enforce_pressure_increasing=True, enforce_absorbed_amount=True, enforce_relative_pressure=True, enforce_enough_datapoints=True, min_num_points=5, save_figures=True, export_data=False, ssa_criterion='error', ssa_gradient='Greens', err_gradient='Greys')#

A single function that executes all necessary BEaTmap algorithims.

This function is built to be as user friendly as possible. The file name/path of the isotherm data, information about the isotherm, and the cross sectional surface area of the adsorbate can be passed using the file, info, and a_o parameters respectively. Or, if left empty, the user be prompted to input them.

eg. run_beatmap('myfile.csv', 'nitrogen on carbon', 16.2) or run_beatmap() will execute the function. In the later case the user will provide the parameters passed in the former through promts in their console.

Additional parameters to set which of the Roquerol criteria are applied, the minimum number of data points per valid relative pressure range, the criteria used to select a single specific surface area, and more, are defined and set to reasonable default values.


File name (if file is in parent directory) or file path.


Adsorbate-adsorbent information.


Cross sectional area of adsorbate, in square Angstrom.


If check1 is True any relative pressure ranges with a negative y intercept are considered invalid.


If check2 is True any relative pressure ranges where n(p-po) is decreasing are considered invalid.


If check3 is True any relative pressure ranges where the monolayer amount falls outside of the relative pressure range are considered invalid.


If check4 is True any relative pressure range where there is disagreement of more than 10% between the actual relative pressure where monolayer coverage occurs and the relative pressure where monolayer coverage occurs on the theoretical isotherm are considered invalid.


If check5 is True relative pressure ranges that contain fewer points than specified by the user are considered invalid.


The minimum number of points for a valid relative pressure range.


If save_figures is True any figures created by this function will be saved as .png files in the parent directory.


If export data is True .csv files of the isotherm data and the BEaTmap results will be created and saved in the parent directory.


Used to set which criterion is used to provide a single specific surface area value. ‘error’ will output the valid ssa answer with the lowest error, ‘points’ will output the ssa answer with the most datapoints.


Color gradient for heatmap, must be a vaild color gradient name in the seaborn package.


Color gradient for heatmap, must be a vaild color gradient name in the seaborn package, default is grey.
